About Us
​Getting employment law right can be tough
Dealing with HR and employment law can be time consuming, scary and stressful. Every day well-meaning employers are pinged with expensive personal grievances for even small mistakes. This unfortunate reality distracts employers from doing what they do best, and the worry of getting things wrong impacts their well-being.
Compounding on this issue is how expensive it is getting good advice. While lawyers can be of use they are prohibitively expensive, and legal bills rack up fast. Further, while industry associations have some resources to help, more often than not their offerings on employment law and human resource matters are thin.
Our team of deeply experienced employment consultants saw an opportunity to address this in New Zealand. We want employment law to work for small businesses again and this is why we founded Employer Direct.
Did you know?
$150 million each yearis estimated to be spent by New Zealand business defending employment disputes!
Why us?
Because we're just like you! Between us, the team at Employer Direct have decades of experience in employment law, human resources, finance and business management in New Zealand. We know the struggles of running businesses because we've done it too.
We take the stress out of employment and HR by providing you with:​
personalised, honest and pragmatic guidance for your business
easy to use templates and documents on demand
advice and support
Founders, Paul Mathews and Sam Walker, have considerable employment law experience and have seen first-hand the issues arising from poor HR practices for both employees and employers. They know the HR problems employers can be confronted with, and through Employer Direct are committed to protecting businesses from potential issues and litigation. They guarantee employers will feel supported and confident that their business interests are being protected.