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Employer Direct Blog

2 min read
What are some of the biggest challenges facing Kiwi employers this year?
Its an election year, the cost of living is high and some industries are still reeling from Covid. What does this mean for employers?...

2 min read
Five ways to... ensure that your employment policies are working well
#fivewaysto Strong employment policies not only protect your organization but also contribute to a fair and productive work environment....

2 min read
How would HR support benefit my business?
Why we are the support team you need!

2 min read
Employer Guide to: Recruitment Part 1
You have an opening in your company. How can you find the right person for your team? What is the best way to approach this challenge?...

3 min read
5 Ways to... Build Profitability Through Your Team
#5waysto Is your team working as well as you'd like? Or is there room for improvement? Let's look at five ways that we can build...

3 min read
5 Ways to... Rebuild your business after Covid-19
#5ways Covid-19... we know you're sick of hearing about it and we don't blame you. It's been very stressful and it's likely one of the...
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