Document Policy
Product disclaimer
Employer Direct documents and guides cover the majority of employment situations; however, in the event of specific or complex situations they need to be used with great care. The documents we provide are provided to you for guidance purposes only. It is advised that additional guidance is sought from our team. We do not accept responsibility for incorrect usage by the user or failures in the process you use.
Employer Direct templates are designed, when used correctly, to provide lawful employment documents. No liability is assumed by Employer Direct, or an individual advisor, for losses suffered by any person or organisation. We do not accept any responsibility for alterations to documentation made by you or your employees after the date when the documentation is first made available to you. We reserve the right to change the information on our website and document library at any time without notice. If you are unsure of any part of this document then you need to seek advice from our helpline to ensure you use this document correctly.
Copyright and limited reproduction notice
Documents is the intellectual property of Employer Direct. Nothing in our subscriptions or use of our services grants you any rights in intellectual property which we own or license. You may print, download to your hard drive or cloud storage device extracts from our website and document library only for your own business use contracted to Employer Direct, but only if you use the material in a manner consistent with their purpose and adhere to this disclaimer. You may not distribute or copy any part of Employer Direct documents for any purpose other than your own internal business use.